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(E-E) Evgenij Kozlov: Exhibitions >>
(E-E) Evgenij Kozlov's Participation in the Second TEII Exhibition (1983) in His Diary and Photographs Text: Hannelore Fobo, 2021 Chapter 3: Exhibition lists previous page: Chapter 2: Notes to Kozlov's exhibition lists in his diary next page: Chapter 4. Works on paper: The Peterhof Book of Hours Table of contents: see bottom of page >> |
Chapter 3: Exhibition lists
As stated in the previous chapter, the selection of works for the exhibition followed eight steps I defined as ‘lists’. They can be separated into three sections: Section 1: First, second and third lists: preliminary selection (end of February 1983), Section 2: fourth and fifth lists: changed selection (29 March 1983) , Section 3: sixth, seventh, and eighth lists: reduced selection (1/2 April 1983). Section 1 —Written towards the end of February – and probably immediately after Kozlov was invited to participate at the exhibtion – three lists belong to the first section (pp. 4-11, 4-13, 4-14, 4-15). The first list has been included with reservations, as it might actually relate to a different exhibition. The third list is particularly elaborate and is therefore the most important from this section. The date 29 March, written on top of the third list with a question mark, might indicate an approximate date for the works to be taken to the Palace of the Youth, where they were to be inspected by the municipal exhibition committee before the opening. P. 4-15 has the 31 March as the date of delivery, supposedly changed later to 1 April (p.4-30). Section 2 —The fourth and fifth lists constitute the second section. Kozlov wrote the fourth list on 29 March, after a discussion with his artists friends (pp. 4-28 to 4-31). While the works on paper remained the same, the paintings changed. By all accounts, this was the result of a new painting – ‘WASP’, which first appears in his diary dated 20 March 1983 (p.26), and which he decided to include. Since the fifth list, headed as a final list for the meeting with municipal exhibition committee on, remained void (p. 4-37), what the artist actually presented remains unknown. 1 April 1983, the date written above the list, can be interpreted in different ways – either as the date of the entry or as the date for the meeting with municipal exhibition committee. Section 3 —The sixth, seventh and eighth lists belong to the third section: Kozlov reduced the number of works for the exhibtion after he had taken them to the exhibition hall (and possibly after they had been approved by the municipal exhibition committee, if the meeting took place on 1 April). The artist wrote the sixth list, which is in fact a ‘negative list’ (a decision to remove two works), on the night of the first to the second of April (p. 4-39). On pp. 4-39-46, he established several criteria for the selection of works, leading to a seventh list on p. 4-45. Finally, in an entry from 2 April (p. 4-47), he documented that he actually removed those two works earlier that day and wrote an eighth list of those works he left. A (translated) transcription of these diary pages is in chapter 9. —Contrary to the other lists, the ninth list is a photographic documentation of Kozlov's works at the exhibition. These (available) exhibition views are, however, only partly congruent with the eighth list.
On page 4-11, written some time after 21 February (the last previous entry dated), there are two different lists of works, the first list noted above and the second list noted below Дворец Молодежи (Palace of the Youth).
(E-E) Evgenij Kozlov. Diary IV, pp. 4-10-11, end of February 1983 The first list, written with a pencil and erased thereafter, includes six titles with dimensions – all rather large and hence, paintings – among them 1. ‘Музыканты / Musicians’, 5. ‘Туареги / Tuaregs’ and 6. ‘Пожар / Fire’. The other titles can no longer be read.
While there can be no doubt that the second list refers to the Second TEII exhibition, this can only be said with a certain degree of probability about the first list or first selection, since it follows a list of artists for another – earlier – exhibition, the so-called ‘Exhibition of 20’ from 1-5 March at Herzen Street. This exhibition was also organised by the TEII and later included among its ‘offsite’ exhibitions (выездная выставка, see Kovalsky et al. TEII, pp. 92-93), a definition that doesn't actually mean that the TEII had its own exhibition premises. There are pro and contra arguments to relate the first list to the Second TEII exhibition. An interesting fact about those three works identified in the first list is that only one is from 1981, Kozlov's ’Russian period’, while the other two, ‘Musicians’ and ‘Tuaregs’, relate to his new style emerging towards the end of 1982. He discusses both in his diaries – ‘Musicians’ on p. 4-03 (dated 2 February 1983 more >>) and ‘Tuaregs’ on p. 3-79 (dated 24 January 1983 more >>). Kozlov changed the titles later. ‘Musicians’, the full title of which was ‘В ударных бригадах были свои музыканты’/ ‘ The Strike Brigades Had Their Own Musicians’ became ‘Комисcары’ / ‘Commissars’, and ‘Туареги’ / ‘Tuaregs’ became ‘Noli Me Tagere’. Both paintings were first shown publicly at ‘Facets of Portraiture’, the Fifth TEII Exhibition in autum 1984, where they were arranged in a single ‘block’, with ‘Noli Me Tangere’ hanging above ‘Commissars’ more >>.
The second list or second selection, written directly below the first (erased) list on p. 4-11 (see image above), includes five paintings from 1981 and 1982, that is, neither ‘Musicians’ nor ‘Tuaregs’ from the ‘new’ period, and four works on paper relating to the Peterhof Book of Hours series (1982). The latter are simply called Лист [‘list’, sheet or folio] I, II, III, IV…, the dots indicating that more drawings could be added. The second list is similar to the third list on pp. 4-13-14, and the paintings are the same. The third list is, however, more elaborate. indicating not only full titles, but also, in the case of paintings, dimensions (width by height), media, and year. Furthermore, the third list is more comprehensive, including a sixth painting, ten folios from the Peterhof Book of Hours series, and a sculpture.
(E-E) Evgenij Kozlov. Diary IV, p. 4-13 (right): third list, paintings The table below juxtaposes the paintings from the second list (left column) and third list (right column).
The second list comprises five paintings, the numbering of which was changed to 2, 3, 1, 4, and 5, now giving priority to ‘Tender Light of Christmas’, formerly listed as 3. This painting is particularly significant to the artist. Commenting on ‘Tuaregs’ from December 1982, (p. 3-78), Kozlov writes ‘в большом полотне я добился для себя подобного эффекта во второй раз после работы годичной давности «Нежный свет Рождества»’ / ‘For the second time I have achieved, on a large canvas, an effect similar to that of ‘Tender Light of Christmas’ I painted a year ago’. The third list with six paintings (p. 4-13) is headed “Список работ представленных на комиссию для выставки во «Дворце Молодежи»” / “List of works to be presented to the exhibition committee at the Palace of the Youth”. Written across the titles, below a large question mark, is a date: 29. 3. 1983. This might have been a preliminary date for the delivery of works to the Palace of the Youth, fixed to 31 March on p. 4-15 and probably postponed to 1 April (p.4-30); this date is followed by a question mark. The table above shows that the paintings from the third list are indeed the same as those from the second list, except for the addition of a sixth painting: ‘Leningrad Liteiny Avenue’ (1981) from the ‘Russian Style’ series. Below is a table with reproductions corresponding to the third list. Dimensions are indicated height by width. Paintings no. 1 and no. 2 are based on works on paper, and the titles added in brackets correspond to the respective title of the drawing preceding the painting. Both lists include ‘Tender Light of Winter’ as an alternative title for ‘Tender Light of Christmas’ put in parentheses, while ‘New Year Light’ was cancelled as alternative title. All three bracketed titles have religious connotations. Given the Soviet doctrine of scientific atheism, it is quite possible that in order to avoid censorship, the artist intended to present only those neutral titles to the exhibition committee.
The third list continues on p-4-14 with ten works on paper (three of them not identified), all from The Peterhof Book of Hours series (1982), carried out with gouache, tempera, watercolour, and aluminium powder. Folio V and Folio X are crossed out.
(E-E) Evgenij Kozlov. Diary IV, p. 4-14 (left): third list, works on paper
The table below presents reproductions of those seven works that could be identified by the titles in the list.
The third list ends on p. 4-15 with an entry crossed out: E-E-182057 Davis Center for Russian and Eurasian Studies Special Collection, Harvard University Harvard Accession Number: KMFP_0102
With the fourth list, written just a few days prior to the meeting with the exhibition committee, E-E Kozlov introduces some important changes to the third list. The changes were caused by his new painting ‘WASP’: on p. 4-26, Evgenij Kozlov notes this painting with the date 20.3.83 – most likely the date he achieved this work.
(E-E) Evgenij Kozlov. Diary IV, p. 4-26 (left, bottom): ‘WASP’ dated 20 March 1983 E-E-182004 The follwing paragraph is taken from pp. 4-29 and 4-30
I spent the night with V. S [Vanya = Ivan Sotnikov] and T. N [Timur Novikov] at the studio. T. N. finished the ‘Zero Object’; it is beautiful and interesting. Before this meeting, these conversations and thoughts, I wasn't sure about which paintings to show at the Dv. [orets] M. [olodezhi] [Palace of the Youth] – those I included in the catalogue file card (1981-1982) or 1983? I think that, at present, the paintings from 1983 best represent my fundamental approach to painting, in all respects. These should be presented now, and not be left for later.
Page 4-29 Ночь с В. С. и Т. Н. в мастерской. Т. Н. сделал полностью «ноль-объект», красивый и интересный. До этой встречи, разговоров, размышлений сомневался в том, что выставить из живописи во Дв. [орце] М. [олодежи]. То , что включил в каталожную карточку (81-1982) или 1983г. ? Считаю, что основной мой выход
(E-E) Evgenij Kozlov. Diary IV, p. 4-31 (right, bottom): fourth list Text: Page 4-30 в живопись, во всех отношениях, на данный момент, это картины 1983 г. – их и следует представить , а не оставлять на потом. / Своз работ переноситься на 1/IV/83 ? / Одно из названий, выданных Тимуром объекту «ноль» -это «гимн (заводов?) первому авиатору». / Сильная ночь, On pp. 4-30-31, Kozlov resumes the night and takes a decision:
Сильная ночь, встряска, допинг, почти толчок, пока не для находок; но для работы. Профессионализм во всем полотне, как конечная точка процесса работы над картиной. In this way, the ‘poweful night’ incites him to include ‘WASP’ in a new list – a fourth list, without item numbers – consisting of three paintings.Two of these titles, ‘Brigades’ and ‘WASP’ are supplemented with another title in brackets, ‘House’ and ‘XX’, respectively. We know from the sixth list that ‘House’ and Double Painting‘ were indeed at the exhibition, because Kozlov removed again prior to the opening. What interests us here is the question of what Kozov intended to show at that point. The additional – bracketed – titles can be interpreted in different ways. One possibility is to perceive them as alternative titles for the respective painting. In this case, the list has three entries. The bracketed titles can also be understood to indicate alternative paintings for the exhibition. In this case, the list has five entries and should be read it in the following way: I will show: either ‘Brigades’ or ‘House’, and ‘Double Painting’, and either ‘WASP’ or ‘XX’.
The first possiblity of an alternative title for the same painting seems to be more convincing with respect to ‘Brigades’ (House), because there appears to be no separate painting entitled ‘Brigades’ — unless ‘Brigades’ refers to the painting ‘Musicians’ which had the full title ‘The Strike Brigades Had Their Own Musicians’ before it became ‘Commissars’ (see first list). However, on second thoughts, ‘Brigade’ may well be an alternative titte for ‘House’, since the painting ‘House’ depicts a group of prisoners in a building, and prisoners at work form a brigade. The second possiblity, that of each title refering to a different painting, is plausible with respect to ‘WASP’ (XX), since both ‘WASP’ and a fragment of a work with the inscription ‘XX’ are documented at the exhibition (the latter in a picture with Folio V, see also page 1). In this case, ‘WASP (XX)’ would mean not either ‘WASP’ or ‘XX’, but ‘WASP’ and ‘XX’. For the sake of completeness, I should also add that ‘XX’ might be a shortened title of ‘Sit Venia Verbo. Традиции ХХ века. / Sit Venia Verbo. Traditions of the XX Century’. It is not identical with the fragment documented (see also previous page). One way or another, any interpretation of titles in brackets remains highly speculative and leads to contradictions. At this point, the most important conclusion is that Kozlov, after a night spent in conversation with other artists, decided to add ‘WASP’ because, as he wrote, ‘I think that, at present, the paintings from 1983 best represent my fundamental approach to painting, in all respects. These should be presented now, and not be left for later.’
The fifth list was to present a final list of works (окончательный отбор работ) for the meeting with the gorodskoi vystavkom, the municpal exhibition committee. The date 1 April 1983 remains ambiguous, as might be the date of the entry or the date of the meting with the municipal committee. However, the list with five numbers for paintings and an undefined number of works on paper was not filled in.
(E-E) Evgenij Kozlov. Diary IV, p. 4-31 (right): fifth list
The sixth list (p.4-39), like the seventh and the eighth, is a ‘post-factum’ list, created after the works had been delivered to the Palace of the Youth and, so it seems, mounted on a movable wall on 1 April – and possibly approved by the exhibition committee. The entry is from the night of the first to the second of April. The artist announces that he is going to remove two paintings on the next day, ‘House’ and ‘Double Painting’ (Буду завтра снимать работу “Дом”, "Двойная картина”). The sixth list is therefore a negative list, technically speaking.
(E-E) Evgenij Kozlov. Diary IV, p. 4-39 (right, top): sixth list:
With the seventh list, E-E Kozlov concludes his reflections on how to establish criteria for a selection of works, a discussion he started with the sixth list. On p. 4-45, he notes ‘Я хочу участвовать в этой выставке, но среди своих работ решил оставить только минимум. «ХХ» / графику 1, 3, 6, 7, 8, 9 (лист N 14). / I want to participate in this exhibition, but decided to leave only a minimum number of works: ‘XX’ / works on paper 1, 3, 6, 7, 8, 9 (folio no.14).’
(E-E) Evgenij Kozlov. Diary IV, p. 4-45 (right, bottom): seventh list (see text above) If we follow the interpretation that ‘XX‘ is a work on cardboard, and not the painting ‘WASP’, this would mean that at that point, none of the works on canvas was taken into consideration for the exhibition. Regarding the works on paper, if the numbering corrresponds to the folio numbers, the following works are included: 1 = Лист I. Милости / Folio I. Kindness (Grace) 3 = Лист III. Дом / Folio III (House) 6 = Лист VI. Человек равен самому себе / Folio VI. People Are Equal to Themselves 7 = Лист VII. Время достигнутой мечты / Folio VII. Time of Dreams Come True 8 = Лист VIII Зов золота / Folio VIII. The Call of Gold 9 = Лист IX. Тайна для себя / Folio IX. One's Own Secret The work added on brackets, лист N 14 / Folio No. 14, was not identified
In his entry from 2 April 1983, the artists confirms that he removed (cнял) two works from the display, ‘Дом / House’ and ‘Двойная картина / Double Painting’, cнял (snial) meaning that he took them off the wall. It is not clear whether this happened after or before they had been approved by the municipal exhibition committee. Considering that hanging all works by all artists must have taken some time and that the opening was only on 5 April, the official inspection might have taken place after 1 April.
(E-E) Evgenij Kozlov. Diary IV, pp. 4-46-47, 2 April 1983: eighth list
The note continues:
On top of that, Kozlov also mentions ‘WASP’ and ‘XX’.
‘Work on paper’ is perhaps not a very precise translation for ‘графика’ / ‘grafika’, since ‘grafika’ is any work drawn or painted on paper or cardboard. While ‘XX’ might indeed be a work on cardboard, considering the fragment in one of the exhibition pictures, it is nevertheless strange that ‘WASP’, here, too, appears as a work on paper, since it is the painting ‘WASP’ that is documented for the exhibtion. There exists an untitled work on paper preceding the painting "WASP" (see Chapter 7), but the possibility of such a reference looks somewhat far-fetched to me. The sculpture is ‘The Wizard of Halloween’ (Волшебник Халувина), mentioned in the third list. The six folios are also listed: 1. Милости / Grace (Folio I) 2. Дом / House (Folio III) 3. Время достигнутой мечты / Time of Dreams Come True (Folio VII) 4. Человек равен самому себе / People Are Equal to Themselves (Folio VI) 5. Тайнa для себя / One's Own Secret (Folio IX) 6. Зов золота / The Call of Gold (Folio VIII) These six works are congruent with the seventh list.
The exhibitions views differ from the eighth list, both with respect to paintings and works on paper. Documented are three paintings and three works on paper, that is, more paintings and less works on paper than in the eighth list. For now, the fragment of the seventh work on paper, ‘XX’, remains an enigma. The three paintings are ‘The Square near the Station’ (1981), ‘Red Pond’ (1981), and ‘WASP’ (1983). The first two are mentioned in the eighth list as ‘Two bright paintings’, while ‘WASP’ appears in the eighth list as a work on paper, together with ‘XX’. The three works on paper are from The Peterhof Book of Hours series: Folio VI, Folio V, and an unidentified folio. Folio VI, ‘Человек равен самому себе / People Are Equal to Themselves’, is the only one among the six folios from the eighth list. It is indeed mentioned in all three lists detailing the folios – the third, the seventh and the eighth. By contrast, Folio V ,‘Свет’ (Light), was crossed out in the third list and never reappeared in any of the later lists. The third folio could not be identified by its title, but possible titles can be found when looking at the remaining five folios in the eighth list. Two of the five are known – Folio III Дом /House and Folio I Милости / Grace. It is therefore – probably – one of the other three: Лист VII. Время достигнутой мечты / Folio VII. Time of Dreams Come True, Whether or not these exhibition views document all of Kozlov's works displayed at the exhibition is impossible to say. Considering Kozlov's discussion to remove paintings, this seems, however, plausible at least with respect to the paintings.
Research / text / layout: Hannelore Fobo, June / July 2021
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