(E-E) Ev.g.e.n.i.j ..K.o.z.l.o.     Berlin                                                  

      (E-E) Evgenij Kozlov: Exhibitions >>

(E-E) Evgenij Kozlov • (E-E) Евгений Козлов

Works on Paper

24. February 1981 to ?
Studio Timur Novikov, Leningrad (‘ASSA’ Gallery)

See Kozlov's diary, pp 2-48 >>

Exhibition works selected by E. Kozlov, E. Figurina and T.Novikov / Работы  для показа  выбраны Е. Козловым, Е. Фигурной и Т. Новиковым.
Photos by (E-E) Evgenij Kozlov and Timur Novikov taken with E-E's camera.
Vintage prints printed by E. Kozlov, dated on the reverse 24.2.1981

About the exhibition >>
Most of Kozlov's works were also shown a month later at
The Fourth Letopis Exhbition. 21-29 March 1981, studio Timur Novikov >>

(E-E) Evgenij Kozlov and his personal exhibition of graphic works at Timur Novikov‘s studio. 24 February, 1981. Photo: Timur Novikov

(E-E) Evgenij Kozlov and his personal exhibition of graphic works at Timur Novikov‘s studio. 24 February, 1981.
Photo: Timur Novikov.

E-E archival number: E-E-pho-YC03-op

The following three graphic works by (E-E) Evgenij Kozlov were identified:

E-E-180078 Маленький паж белой принцессы / The Little Page of the White Princess Mixed media on paper, 27.3 x 20 cm, 1980

Маленький паж белой принцессы / The Little Page of the White Princess
Mixed media on paper, 27.3 x 20 cm, 1980

E-E archival number: E-E-180078

E-E-180090 Untitled, gouache on paper, 18.5 x 28 cm, 1980

Untitled, gouache on paper, 18.5 x 28 cm, 1980

E-E archival number: E-E-180090

E-E-180105 Untitled?, gouache on paper?, 40 x 50 cm?, 1980

Untitled?, gouache on paper?, 40 x 50 cm?, 1980

E-E archival number: E-E-180105

E-E-pho-YC01  Works on the left wall by E. Kozlov (exhibition), on the right wall by Timur Novikov. Picture taken by Timur Novikov with the help of a shutter release cable. In the front Timur Novikov's head.

Works on the left wall by E. Kozlov (exhibition), on the right wall by Timur Novikov. Picture taken by Timur Novikov with the help of a shutter release cable. In the front Timur Novikov's head.

E-E archival number: E-E-pho-YC01

  E-E-pho-YC09-op Timur Novikov and Elena Figurina selecting E. Kozlov's works. Photo: E-E

Timur Novikov and Elena Figurina selecting E. Kozlov's works. Photo: E-E

E-E archival number: E-E-pho-YC09-op

 E-E-pho-YC06-op Elena Figurina and (E-E) Evgenij Kozlov selecting the works for the exhibition. Photo: Timur Novikov.

Elena Figurina and (E-E) Evgenij Kozlov selecting the works for the exhibition. Photo: Timur Novikov.

E-E archival number: E-E-pho-YC06-op

 E-E-pho-YC07-op Elena Figurina and (E-E) Evgenij Kozlov. On the wall works by Timur Novikov. Photo: Timur Novikov.

Elena Figurina and (E-E) Evgenij Kozlov. On the wall works by Timur Novikov. Photo: Timur Novikov.

E-E archival number: E-E-pho-YC07-op

E-E-pho-YC08  Elena Figurina and (E-E) Evgenij Kozlov. Graphic works by E-E. Photo: Timur Novikov.

Elena Figurina and (E-E) Evgenij Kozlov. Graphic works by E-E. Photo: Timur Novikov.

E-E archival number: E-E-pho-YC08

  Elena Figurina and (E-E) Evgenij Kozlov. Graphic works on the lower part of the wall by E-E. Photo: Timur Novikov. E-E archival number: E-E-pho-YC04-op

Elena Figurina and (E-E) Evgenij Kozlov. Graphic works on the lower part of the wall by E-E. Photo: Timur Novikov.

E-E archival number: E-E-pho-YC04-op

E-E-pho-YC15-op  (E-E) Evgenij Kozlov at his personal exhibition of graphic works. Timur Novikov‘s studio, 24 February, 1981. Photo: Timur Novikov

(E-E) Evgenij Kozlov at his personal exhibition of graphic works. Timur Novikov‘s studio, 24 February, 1981.
Photo: Timur Novikov

E-E archival number: E-E-pho-YH04-op

E-E-pho-YC11-op  Timur Novikov at his studio during (E-E) Evgenij Kozlov‘s personal exhibition. Photo: (E-E) Evgenij Kozlov

Timur Novikov at his studio during (E-E) Evgenij Kozlov‘s personal exhibition. Photo: (E-E) Evgenij Kozlov

E-E archival number: E-E-pho-YC11-op

E-E-pho-YC13-op  Elena Figurina at Timur Novikov's studio during (E-E) Evgenij Kozlov‘s personal exhibition. Photo: (E-E) Evgenij Kozlov

Elena Figurina at Timur Novikov's studio during (E-E) Evgenij Kozlov‘s personal exhibition. Photo: (E-E) Evgenij Kozlov

E-E archival number: E-E-pho-YC13-op

E-E archival number: E-E-pho-YC020-opc

The picture below belongs to the series of photographs taken on February 24, 1981, during the opening of E. Kozlov‘s personal exhition of works on paper. It was used for a large painting on paper (see below)

E-E-187012 CuCsCaP (Сто вопросов и ответов) / CuCsCaP (One hundred questions and answers) 171 x 354 cm, mixed media on paper. (

CuCsCaP (Сто вопросов и ответов) / CuCsCaP (One hundred questions and answers)
171 x 354 cm, mixed media on paper. (CuCsCaP = CCCP USA / USSR USA)

The works consists of approxiamtely 250 photos E. Kozlov took between 1980 and 1986. more >> more >>

E-E archival number: E-E-187012

Uploaded 2017
Last updated 10 July 2024