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The New Artists and the Mayakovsky Friends Club (1986-1990)

Text: Hannelore Fobo, 2021
Chapter 6. Document B. Application by the New Creative Association, 4. 8. 1986
previous page: Chapter 5. Document A. Charter of the New Creative Association
next page: Chapter 7. Document C. Application by the New Creative Association, 5.8.1986
Table of contents: see bottom of page >>

Chapter 6. Document B.

Application (Заявление) by the New Creative Association (Новое творческое объединение) to the Main Department of Culture (Главное управление культуры, Г.У.К., Glavnoe upravlenie kul‘tury, G.U.K.) dated 4. 8. 1986

The letter, signed (in typescript) by seven artists, has Timur Novikov's address as sender. The signatories, representing a group of more than 40 artists, ask to include the New Creative Association in “the experiment to expand the sphere of paid services, according to the Law on amateur associations and interest clubs”.

It is possible that the original letter, sent to the G.U.K., also bears the signatories’ handwritten signatures.
Scroll down for transcript and English translation.

Scroll down for transcript and English translation

Chapter 6. Document B. Application by the New Creative Association, 4. 8. 1986

Заместителю начальника

Главного управления культуры


тов. Мудровой Марте Петровне

От нового творческого объединения

Адрес представителя: 192242 ул. Бела Куна, д.2. к.3 кв. 42


Мы, более 40 человек, на протяжении длительного времени занимаемся на общественных началах коллективным творчеством различных жанров. Узнав о участии Г.У.К. в проводимом эксперименте по расширению сферы платных услуг, оказываемых населению просим привлечь наше объединение к участию в нем в соответствии с положением о создании любительских объединений, клубов по интересам.

4.8. 1986

Совет представителей творческих групп

Гуцевич Владислав Бронниславович
Феоктистов Алексей Вячеславович
Назарова Наталья Николаевна
Новиков Тимур Петрович
Котельников Олег Евгеньевич
Бугаев Сергей Анатолиевич
Николаев Александр Николаевич

For a long time we, more than forty people, have been engaged on a voluntary basis in collective creativity of various genres. We found out about that the Main Department of Culture participates in the experiment to expand the sphere of paid services and ask you to include our association in it, according to the regulations on the creation of amateur associations and interest clubs.

4. 8. 1986
Council of Representatives of Creative Groups

Gutsevich Vladislav Bronislavovich
Feoktistov Aleksei Vyacheslavovich
Nazarova Natalia Nikolaevna
Novikov Timur Petrovich
Kotelnikov Oleg Evgenievich
Bugaev Sergei Anatolievich
Nikolaev Aleksandr Nikolaevich

Synopsis and Introduction

Chаpter 1. Soviet Clubs and Houses of Culture

Chapter 2. Chapter 2. Vladimir Vladimirovich Mayakovsky

Chapter 3: Source material and references

Chapter 4. Index of documents 1986-1987

Chapter 5. Document A. Charter of the New Creative Association

Chapter 6. Document B. Application by the New Creative Association, 4. 8. 1986

Chapter 7. Document C. Application by the New Creative Association, 5. 8. 1986

Chapter 8. Document D. Front page of the Mayakovsky Friends Club charter, 3. 9. 1986

Chapter 9. Document E. Registration card for young associations

Chapter 10. Document F. Mayakovsky Friends Club. Working plan for 1986-1987

Chapter 11. Document G. Mayakovsky Friends Club. Invitation card, 21. 12. 1986

Chapter 12. Document H. Mayakovsky Friends Club. Report about the first year (Sept.86-Sep. 87)

Chapter 13. The Report about the first year and corresponding New Artists chronicle entries

Chapter 14. Document I. Mayakovsky Friends Club. Application to the Main Department of Culture 1987

Chapter 15. The Nch-Vch Club

Chapter 16. The Mayakovsky Friends Club Party 1990

Chapter 17. The Mayakovsky Friends Club in Europe, 1988-1989

Chapter 18. The Mayakovsky Friends Club in the USA, 1989-1990

Chapter 19. Concluding remarks

Research / text / layout: Hannelore Fobo, March 2020 / August 2021

Uploaded 17 August 2021